SACME Publications
IntercomThe Intercom is SACME’s longest standing publication. The tri-annual electronic SACME newsletter provides leadership with a channel to communicate significant Board and committee milestones to members and routinely includes an update from the president, annual meeting programming, and periodic articles on committee activities. It also features updates from similarly positioned organizations such as the ACCME, AAMC, and ABMS and provides a venue for highlighting individual and organizational member achievements. CE NewsA quarterly, online digital publication, the newsletter provides information on current CPD/CE practice trends, best practices, data shots and opinions on "hot topics" of interest to the entire CPD/CE community. Standing columns provide helpful tips on CPD/CE practice challenges and educational issues. A Publications & Scholarship column provides commentary and links to current peer-reviewed articles which benefit faculty in their roles as teachers and scholars. An International CPD column explores and compares CME accreditation systems world-wide. Funding opportunities in CPD/CE and important meetings are listed in each issue. Click here to be added to the CE News mailing list. For vendors who wish to advertise in CE News, please click here: Advertising information and an insertion order form. SACME Weekly Pulse PointsWeekly update to members that includes announcements, educational offerings, submission deadlines, career opportunities, member spotlights and more. Toot Your Horn Have you recently published? Tell us about it! We like to promote our members' accomplishments. Designed to help Deans and Directors of CME units offer CME more efficiently and effectively. Since 1981, the SACME Research Committee has surveyed CME units at medical schools in the United States and Canada. Beginning in 2008, AAMC has partnered with SACME to prepare this report. | SOCIAL MEDIA Engage with your peers and stay current on the latest with SACME and CPD/CE. Using Twitter® and LinkedIn® get the latest on upcoming educational opportunities, career opportunities, research developments and more. Have an idea for a single post or an extended campaign? Click here to submit your request. |
CPD in Medicine & Health Care Book
Models for how continuing professional development can be reorganized and re-positioned are suggested in the multi-authored chapters.
| Position PapersSACME is actively involved in shaping the profession of CME/CPD. Curious about SACME’s perspective? Read SACME’s responses to proposed changes in our field.August 22, 2017 SACME Position on MIPS Requirements August 29, 2014 SACME Response to CMS, Proposal to eliminate the Continuing Medical Education (CME) exemption November 20, 2013 SACME Response to ABMS, Proposed Standards for MOC Older SACME response papers have been Archived. |