Rigor of Methods and Validity for Research: Writer's Workshop
Thursday, April 7, 2022 12:00PM - 3:00PM CT Workshop Registration Fee is $50 for all
This workshop will focus on writing for research protocols. Communicating research or scholarly ideas and processes is a critical step in the research process. Setting the stage and supporting it well, articulating a conceptual or theoretical framework, and aligning carefully crafted research questions and methods is a unique process when writing research protocols. Writing in this context has some different goals, structures, and strategies, when compared to writing for publication or funding proposals. Learners will be engaged to consider their own interests, contexts, and expertise when considering strategies for optimizing research protocols.
This workshop is geared toward learners who are interested in receiving feedback on their research protocols and study designs. Prior to the session, learners will be asked to submit a 300-500 word summary of a research idea. At the end of the class, they will submit a short plan of action for revisions they will make to their research idea and state how they will move forward with the project. Learners MUST submit their proposals by April 1st to the session. Proposals should include:
Bita Zakeri, PhD
Walter Tavares, PhD
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